Compliance Office Hours: Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) - The Content and Distribution Rules for Employers
Thursday, April 18, 2024
The ACA created the SBC as a new required plan summary document for employees. It is designed as a short document describing the benefits under the plan in a uniform format, allowing employees to make an “apples to apples” comparison among the employer’s plan options, a family member’s plan options, and even individual plans on the Exchange.
This Newfront Office Hours session covered all the SBC compliance aspects for employers. We reviewed the required content and when to provide SBCs, including electronic distribution options, who must receive them, and which SBCs must be made available. This session also addressed the special mid-year modification requirements, new language translation updates for the coming year, and the current status of the regulatory good faith enforcement safe harbor.
Click here to view the presentation slides.

Brian Gilmore
Lead Benefits Counsel, VP, Newfront